Norma Harris has been appointed as Director of Societal Health & Well-Being


Norma has already begun her work in focusing on the development of deleks, along with the members of her committee, Laura McNulty and Annie Price.


Societal Health & Well-Being (SHWB) promotes and supports the ongoing development of community within our center. Safeguarding the view that a community that enjoys being together, celebrating together and taking care of one another is an integral part of our practice and is as important as meditating and studying together. Community reinforces the truth of interdependence and thus can be taken as a key component of our path to enlightenment. SHWB holds the view that our mission, as Shambhalians, is to create enlightened society, rather than to become a collection of enlightened individuals. Therefore, the purpose is to foster what the Sakyong has called “a culture of profound kindness” at the local Center level.