Shambhala: A Mandala of Relationships- A Love Story

The Sakyong Radiates Love and Blessings from the Center of the mandala. This comes in the form of teachings, inspiration, vision, support (especially from the Kalapa Council and teachers) and any number of forms of love. All of this richness radiates out to the whole world, but most especially those who acknowledge it, and receive it.

We Receive the Warmth of that Radiation through our practice, Meditation. Our Shambhala center is like a satellite dish that receives these blessings and offers them to those who come to here to study and practice. We take these blessings into our hearts, and then radiate them out to everyone we meet. We do that by connecting with our Community, making ourselves genuinely available, Volunteering, becoming actively involved, and by acknowledging and offering our Wealth. These are the 4 Ways of Connecting.

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We Give Back to the Sakyong and the center of the mandala, by offering our involvement, inspiration, wealth and love- full circle. Every month our center contributes some of our wealth to the center of the mandala. And, twice a year (Shambhala Day and Harvest of Peace) we engage in fundraising to support the center of the mandala. We also collaborate with and learn from other local Shambhala centers.

We Invite Your Participation.