Face to Face @ the ASC

Rebecca Hoffmann
Rebecca first came to the Atlanta Shambhala Center in 2012. Many have seen her around the center, volunteering to keep the grounds beautiful or working as a Dorje Kasung protector (click here to learn more about this organization within the Center).

“I first came to the Atlanta Shambhala Center looking for a place where I could find alcoholic recovery meetings at a meditation center. I had learned that meditation was an important part of successful recovery. When I came to this center, I felt comfortable and accepted by the people here. I started taking Way of Shambhala classes to learn more about meditation and Shambhala.

Shambhala has changed my life. Through meditation, I can’t run away from my problems. This path has helped me see that in the end, I have to deal with my issues instead of ignoring them, or zoning out through self-medication. Meditation training is allowing me to finally understand acceptance and being present.”

One thought on “Face to Face @ the ASC

  1. You seem like a completely awesome person, and I look forward to getting to know you more. I know on a very deep, personal level how difficult it can be to struggle with addiction. I wish you much happiness and success.