Opening Our Heart to Mahamudra
with John Rockwell
Mahamudra, often translated as the great seal, is the direct experience of the true nature of our mind. It is generally regarded as a special transmission and practice only given to advanced students in secret. However, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Thrangu Rinpoche, and other great teachers have taught Mahamudra openly to all. Mahamudra is a journey of glimpses. Meditation practice is the first step and ground for tuning into the nature of our mind, but the leap comes when we open our heart to ourselves and our world in everyday life.
We will gather to watch the pre-recorded classes oline. After each class, Jackie and Keith Muse will lead a discussion of the material presented. The classes will be Wednesday evenings, Oct 16, 23, 30, Nov 6, &13.
This will be a preview of our winter retreat with John Rockwell December 26-31 this year. More details on that coming soon!
You need to register through Shambhala Online. When you register you will see "request a discount." Click to get a discount.
The Center gets a 50 % shared revenue from everyone who registers for "Opening Our Heart to Mahamudra". Enter Atlanta as your center and this revenue share code: 2024MMAtlanta50.
Here is the Shambhala Online link to register: